General Information
The national language in Egypt is Arabic.
English is widely spoken in hotels and shops, and in tourist areas.
Jordan standard time is UTC+ 3 hours.* Daylight saving time typically starts the Friday during 26 March to 1 April and ends on the last Friday of October,
The unit of local currency is the Jordanian Dinar (JD). 1JD = 10 Dirhams = 100 Qirshs (Piastres) = 1000 fils.
Dinars are issued in notes of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50JD. Coins are issued in 1, 2 1/2, 5 and 10 Piastres, and 1/4, 1/2 and 1 Dinars(JD).
Major foreign currencies like US dollar and Euro may be exchanged to local currency through banks or currency exchange offices or major hotels which can be found in most major cities.
Credit Card:
American Express, Visa, and MasterCard are widely accepted.
Standard voltage in Jordan is 220V, and standard frequency is 50Hz.
Sockets take the standard continental European dual round-pronged plug (Type C or F) and three-pin plug (Type G).
Prepaid SIM card is considered as one good choice to access the internet in Jordan.
You can buy it at stands inside the airport, or mobile provider stores in cities.
Now in Jordan there are service providers liks: Zain, Umlah and Orange.
Tipping is not compulsory in Jordan, but it’s always expected by locals.
Please consider the following as a guide:
It is customary to add about 10% to the bill in restaurants.
Porter at Hotel/Airport:
It is customary to tip 1USD per luggage.
In Jordan it’s common to encounter restroom attendants in airports, restaurants and touristic sites. It’s customary to tip these persons.
You may be sometimes asked baksheesh by someone during the travel. “Baksheesh” means an offering to God. This is an important virtue in Muslim society. Therefore, someone may ask it of you without providing any service to you.
And please keep in mind that tips may be often asked in return for photographing someone or taking pictures of you in touristic sites.
Please check the following site for the further information:
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